Classroom Activities

Challenges that work on the Classroom Activities Competency:

Problem-Based Learning

The teacher draws up the characteristics and criteria of classroom activities in the learning sequences.

Students must perform a series of learning activities in order to learn the content relating to educational objectives. The learning sequences describe the different learning and teaching activities performed throughout the learning unit, and how they are connected and organised. In this way, we can analyse the different methods of intervention according to the activities performed and, above all, for the sense they acquire in relation to a sequence aimed at obtaining some educational objectives.

For learning to occur, the type of activities that students perform and the order in which they are done must comply with a set of conditions. The sequences of educational activities give us clues to their function in the creation of knowledge or the learning of different content. The way in which they are ordered and the lack of others enables us to assess whether each one belongs or not.

Problem-Based Learning Challenge

With this Challenge you learn to put the student at the centre of the learning process so they can develop their competencies through problem-solving or real situations, connecting the learning with its application in the real world.

This challenge comprises three skills:


With this skill you will get to know and apply the Problem-Based Learning methodology to promote change towards more active learning, getting students to take responsibility for learning through effective, critical and creative reasoning, stimulating the search for a common goal.

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The aim of this skill is to offer criteria for the design of learning activities that provoke a cognitive conflict (doubts, reservations, questioning and personal reflections) that mentally activate students, so they relate the new content with their prior notions.

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The aim of this skill is to plan activities that provide students’ learning with psychological significance and functionality.

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